Samstag, 25. Mai 2013

The Big Friendly

Patronatskind No 3

Patronatskind No 3 - for the English Reader

Actually, T*** is already a grown up, but since this Roald Dahl is missing in the shelves she decided to fill in the gap, support the book shop and propagate a bit of great children's literature. I haven't read this one and am considering following the call.

Roald Dahl
8,85 €

Palantir Publ.
I am a great fan of another Friendly Giant, well known to all Canadians, I guess, but who in Germany has ever heard of him? You can treat yourself to some clips on YouTube. The Friendly Giant was broadcast by the CBC for many years. First there was a miniature world, then the camera rested on the boot, the big, big boot of the Giant, who knelt amidst the scenery. He invited everybody to his castle and went ahead to let the drawbridge down, accompanied by the folk song "Early one morning ...".

Anyway - there was always music and book reading with his friends, Rusty the Rooster and Jerome the Giraffe, and they might have read a part of the BFG story by Dahl, why not?

Roald Dahl had a grim childhood and horrible school time, but he took the whole mess and created wonderful stories, both for children and for grown ups, too. So, give it a try!


Und für unsere deutschen Leser: hier heißt das Buch Sophiechen und der Riese und ist von Adam Quidam übersetzt. Roald Dahls Bücher, zum Beispiel auch Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik*,  sind ins Deutsche übersetzt und bei Rowohlt lieferbar. Auch sie sind mit den wunderbaren witzigen Zeichnungen von Quentin Blake illustriert.

(* übersetzt von Inge M. Artl und Hans Georg Lenzen)

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